A friend of mine send me her broken Dymo labelprinter. The descriped fault was “not turning on”.
While I opend up the unit screws and springs fell out – nice start. somebody was here before.
On picture 1 you can see the screws I had removed (top) and the things that fell out on its own (bottom).
After a first inspection I found a stripped cable that wasn’t attached to anything (picture 2) and the negative-site of the battery-array that has no connection (picture 3). The cable was manually stripped and too short for the way. It was in fact the powerline for the mainboard (see 4).
After soldering a new wire to the board and the terminal (picture 5 & 6) the printer shows its first signs of life (7).
The long spring (in picture 1 bottom) is for the cutting mechanism in picture 8. But there seems to be missing a support-part. So the automatic backflip of the blade is broken. :/
After some cleaning of the rubber roller, thats forwards the tape, with some isopropyl the system worked again as it should (except the autoreturn of the blade).